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‘Rosie Riveters Explores Pro AV’ Announces Major Fundraising Campaign to Nurture Girls into Careers in STEM


With a goal of $20,000, the nonprofit seeks donations from the AV industry to re-engage students.

Denver, Colorado (March 7, 2025) — Rosie Riveters Explores Pro AV launched its yearly fundraising campaign to raise $20,000 to help the nonprofit organization empower students by building personal confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on, community-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs. 

While all genders benefit from Rose Riveters Explores Pro AV projects, the goals are to make STEM education more accessible, to introduce girls to the AV industry as a career path within STEM, and to help close the gender gap for the next generation of AV professionals. This year, Rosie Riveters Explores Pro AV plans to re-engage students who experienced the program in 2024 in Aurora, CO, Dallas, TX, and Arlington, VA, schools.

“Repetition helps to build relationships with schools. We don’t just want to do a Rosie project once and never see the school or the kids again. Kids need familiarity to build a vision of their future. When they see McDonalds every day, they know they ‘could’ work there when they grow up. By showing them logos of brands in their own backyards, they get an idea of what goes on in that building, and it becomes a possibility, too,” says Erica Carroll, Pro AV Industry Liaison for Rosie Riveters and founder of ProAVCourses.com.

To date, Rosie Riveters Explores Pro AV has raised nearly $50,000 to bring STEM education to schoolchildren all over the United States, including Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Arlington, Maryland, and San Diego. Bradford Ben of Advisist is the title sponsor again this year, kicking off the campaign with a $5,000 donation, 25% of the goal.

“I’m thrilled to see Pro AV organizations coming together for the third year in a row to make STEM projects happen for girls in their local communities. These ‘productive struggles’ build confidence in STEM skills by allowing kids to get something wrong before they get it right,” says Brittany Greer, Executive Director and Founder of Rosie Riveters.

Company and individual donors can visit AVgives.com to donate and help make a difference in inspiring young girls to careers in STEM via Pro AV. Companies that donate before May 1, 2025, will get logos included on Rosie Riveters Explores Pro AV’s new T-shirts. There is also a new “Adopt a School” option, allowing donors to receive updates and pictures from supported schools.  
About Rosie Riveters
Rosie Riveters, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, expands STEM access through hands-on K-12 programs and STEM kits. By fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the organization equips students for future careers. Committed to increasing the number of women in STEM  while welcoming all, Rosie Riveters bridges the workforce gap to prepare the next generation of innovators.


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